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Rules and Procedures

Policies, Rules and Procedures for Conduct

The Georgia International Horse Park welcomes you to enjoy our venue and events. Please respect these rules and regulations to create a safe and enjoyable environment for you, your pets and other park visitors.

1. At all times relevant to these Rules, any approval(s) sought from the City may be obtained from the Georgia International Horse Park (“GIHP”) Management Personnel.

2. Exhibitors, promoters, vendors, campers, motor homes, horse vans, electric vehicles, etc. are not permitted to hook up to electric transformers, distribution panels, light poles, electric receptacles, generators, etc. without the express approval of the City. Each RV guest is responsible for providing their own surge protector.

3. Temporary power cords (drop cords) shall be of the three-wire type and suitable for intended use. All drop cords shall be used with ground fault-protected outlets to prevent accidental electrocution.

4. No unauthorized personnel shall enter closed arenas, storage buildings, maintenance buildings, mechanical room, electrical rooms, etc. without express approval from the City.

5. Smoking is PROHIBITED at the GIHP, including any facility, barns, arenas, stadiums, show office, retail shops, trails, or any GIHP-owned vehicle.

6. Exhibitors, promoters, vendors, etc. shall not hang materials/decorations on facility walls or ceilings without prior express approval from the City. It is the responsibility of each promoter to remove these items at the conclusion of their event. For those persons using the barn/stable area, nails or screws are not allowed for attaching decorations or hanging tack, supplies, feed buckets, etc. in stalls. Instead, cable ties, duct tape, over-stall hangers, pushpins or small staples may be used for these purposes. It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to remove these items at the conclusion of the event to prevent injury to future barn users and horses. In no case should anything be attached to conduit in the barn areas. Do not tie a horse to a stall door.

7. Golf carts and other motorized vehicles are permitted on concrete and aggregate material roads only. Specifically, no golf carts or motorized vehicles are permitted in barn aisles, training arenas, competition arenas, grass areas and spectator areas. Golf carts and all motorized vehicles shall be operated in a safe and cautious manner at all times by a licensed driver 16 years of age or older.

8. All pets must be kept on a maximum of six-foot (6’) leash at all times, and are the owner’s responsibility. Pet owners are expected clean up after their dogs and use good judgment when allowing pets in public spectator areas. Pets are not allowed inside any enclosed facility at the GIHP without prior express approval from the City. This restriction does not apply to service animals.

9. Only authorized persons shall operate the City’s equipment; i.e., golf carts, tractors, utility vehicles, etc.

10. Littering is prohibited at the GIHP. Trash receptacles located in all barns and spectator areas must be used for all trash and litter.

11. The following items are strictly prohibited at the GIHP: fireworks, illegal drugs, glass bottles, air horns, and any other items or articles which may detract from the safety and enjoyment of exhibitors and spectators as determined by the City. No person shall discharge any firearm or explosive on GIHP property.

12. Hunting and fishing is prohibited at the GIHP.

13. No tents shall be erected or anchor stakes of any kind placed without prior express approval from City. Any persons erecting tents or using anchor stakes shall be responsible for any cost incurred as a result of damage to infrastructure, such as electrical, water, irrigation, or sewer lines.

14. No outside catering service or food/beverage service is permitted on the GIHP Property. Proof of the Pudding is the City’s exclusive concessionaire. Outside liquor, beer, and wine are strictly prohibited. Instead, Proof of the Pudding must provide all liquor, beer, and wine. For organized parties or gatherings, please contact Proof of the Pudding.

15. Heat-producing appliances such as coffee makers, space heaters, etc. are expressly PROHIBITED in all barns, except in designated areas. Propane use is expressly PROHIBITED. No grills or grilling are allowed anywhere at the Georgia International Horse Park, except in designated areas with prior approval. No open flame is allowed on the Georgia International Horse Park property.

16. Signs are expressly PROHIBITED without the prior written consent of City. Any signs must be removed at the conclusion of the event. This rule shall also include flagging or other items to mark event areas.

17. Parking is permitted in designated areas only. Parking around barns shall be limited to loading and unloading.

18. No horse trailers are allowed in barn areas except for loading and unloading. Horse trailer parking is permitted in designated areas only. No horse trailers, vehicles or RVs shall be allowed to be parked at the GIHP overnight (unless it is during an event), without prior written approval from the City. Violators will be towed at vehicle owner’s expense.

19. No helicopters shall be allowed as part of an event without the prior express written permission of the City.

20. The GIHP is a No Drone Zone. Drones are not allowed to be flown on the GIHP property without express approval of the City and property licensees.

21. When utilizing stalls in the Exhibition Center, all roll-up doors at the end of each aisle must remain open at all times.

22. No refrigerators are allowed in barn areas.

23. Horse washing is prohibited in barn aisles. Wash racks are provided for this purpose.

24. Longeing is only permitted in longeing rings. Longeing is strictly prohibited in training arenas, competition areas, and grass areas.

25. Horses are prohibited in public spectator areas. Specifically, horses are prohibited from all food service areas, spectator seating areas and the covered arena courtyard.

26. All manure and used shavings removed from stalls or trailers must be placed in specified areas, not in garbage cans. Manure pits are for manure disposal only.

27. Stall bedding (a minimum of two bags) is mandatory for all stalls occupied by an animal. Stall bedding may be ordered through Queen Sales. Deliveries from an outside vendor are not permitted.

28. Straw is not allowed for stall bedding.

29. Only one horse is allowed to be stabled in an individual stall.

30. No profanity or loud or boisterous noise allowed.

31. All bio-hazardous materials, empty drug vials, syringes, needles, spill kits, IV tubing and bag and related materials shall be properly disposed in required bio-hazard receptacles. Bio-hazard receptacles and fire extinguishers must be visible and remain in place at all times.

32. All horses on the Georgia International Horse Park property, whether for an event, trail ride or other purpose, must have proof of a negative EIA issued by a licensed veterinarian within the last twelve (12) months. Further, anyone on the premises must abide by all Georgia Department of Agriculture rules and policies, including, but not limited to, the prevention of equine infectious disease.

Barn Safety Rules

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